Although men do not go through a dramatic shut-down of their hormone production at mid-life in the same way that women do (called Menopause) – men can and often do experience a decline in hormone production as they age. This has been called “Andropause”. Lower hormone production by the testes can cause many symptoms in men – including fatigue, irritability, brain fog, loss of muscle mass or lack of muscle gain with exercise, and loss of or decline in libido and sexual function. If it is extreme hormone deficiency, men can even experience hot flashes and night sweats, and are at risk for osteoporosis and other negative health consequences from lack of proper hormone levels. No man feels his best when his hormones are low.

Testing hormone levels in men is an important first step and is often repeated to be sure that the results are accurate. The normal reference range for testosterone is very wide and encompasses men from the ages of 18-90. For example, if a 50-year-old man has the testosterone level of a 90-year-old, it might still be barely in the normal range – but is definitely not optimal. It is important to treat based on symptoms and optimal hormone levels. There are many reasons that hormones can decline even earlier than mid-life in some men, including previous exposure to steroids or previous head injuries – so even younger men can have hormone issues that need to be tested for and treated.

There are many ways to achieve optimal hormone levels in men, and at Optimal Health Spectrums, we know how to customize your treatment plan to help you feel and function your best.